Local Government Pay – Latest Update

Last week, UNISON’s National Joint Council (NJC) representatives, the people who negotiate the pay for those of us on Local Government terms and conditions, voted to accept a 1% pay increase for this year and a further 1% for next year. This is despite a mandate given to them in the consultation we carried out earlier this year, through which members in every region bar one stated they wanted to reject the deal and be balloted for industrial action.

This decision to accept what amounts to a pay cut was opposed by our representatives from the North West. The outcome of the Branch consultation across the country, including our own Branch, was to reject the pay offer, so the North West representatives views remain that UNISON should conduct a formal industrial action ballot and allow members to decide.

If the decision is not challenged, we will be stuck with a pathetic ‘pay rise’ for the next two years. It isn’t acceptable and for that reason our branch will be seeking the agreement of the Branch Executive Committee to submit an emergency motion to National Local Government Conference in June condemning the decision to ignore members views in the Branch consultation and seeking any possible means to progress fair pay for Local Government members.

Please see attached the statement from the NJC and from the North West representatives for further information.

Pay Justice 2016 Bulletin – Issue Number 12
[gview file=”http://staging.unisonmanchester.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Pay-Justice-2016-Bulletin-Issue-12.pdf”] Statement from the North West representatives to NJC Committee
[gview file=”http://staging.unisonmanchester.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Statement-from-North-West-Representatives-to-NJC-Committee.doc”] NJC Reps report to RLGSG April 2016
[gview file=”http://staging.unisonmanchester.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/NJC-Reps-Report-to-RLGSG-April-16.doc”]

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