National Pay Claim 2014/15 Consultation

UNISON is now consulting Branches on which of two options proposed nationally should be the basis of the formal claim to be submitted for a pay increase with effect from April 2014.

Full details of both options are attached together with the covering national circular for information which explain the options in detail.

Many Branches, given the consultation at this stage is limited to which option should be the basis for a claim, will express their view following a branch executive meeting.

However Manchester Branch officers believe every member should have the opportunity to express their view on this issue in a ballot open to all members to participate in before the Branch responds on behalf of members

Members can indicate their preference by completing the on line poll at the bottom of this post.

Branch officers are recommending Option 1 as this is the one that shows the increase needed to ensure all members across every level get back to the real living standards we had before the three years of pay freeze and the below inflation increase of this year.

Option 2, whilst going some way towards this, is a claim for lesser amounts that do not reflect the true level of loss in earnings by our members over that period.

In truth both options will be immediately rejected by the national employers as unachievable given the Governments proposed further cap of 1% for public sector pay.

Therefore the claim itself should at least set out the amount needed simply to return to the same level of earnings for all members before the erosion of the last four years.

Members are urged to take the time to consider both options and consider the recommendation to support Option One.

With the certainty that either claim will be rejected campaigning needs to done from now amongst our members across the country to gain support for the industrial action that will surely be needed to achieve a decent pay claim following four years of pay cuts.

Our members voted for strike action earlier this year as did the North West region.

Hopefully there will be a massive exercise to ensure that support for action will be the case nationally when the time comes.

Responses should be received via the website by 5pm on Tuesday 24th September 2013.

We encourage all members to take part in this consultation.

Pat McDonagh
Branch Secretary

2014-15 NJC Pay Claim Branch Consultation Poll

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2014-15 NJC Pay Claim Branch Consultation Circular

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