Outcome of Branch Pay Consultation


Our consultative ballot closed on Friday 24th May and now that all of the votes have been counted we can reveal the results.

As part of the consultation, each member was asked to indicate their response to the following two questions:

  • Q1. Are you prepared to take action short of strike action to oppose the pay freeze / 1% cap?
  • Q2. Are you prepared to take action up to and including strike action to oppose the pay freeze / 1% cap?

In total the Branch received 1121 ballot papers and the responses break down as follows:

Number of members prepared to take some form of action 956 85%
Nunber of members who wish to take no action whatsoever 165 15%


Here is further analysis of the results received from members who wish to take some form of action.

Number of members prepared to take action short of strike action 623 56%
Number of members prepared to take action up to and including strike action 748 67%


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