Stop TTIP! Meeting

Public Meeting – Stop TTIP! meeting with John Hilary, Manchester, 14th July, 6PM, UNISON Regional Centre

UNISON North West Region has been actively involved in the fight against the Transatlantic Trade & Investment Partnership (TTIP) between the US and the EU. TTIP is a threat to democracy, worker’s rights and public services. Over the past 18 months, a broad coalition of trade unions, citizens groups and campaign organisations have organised a huge public campaign against TTIP.

One of the key activists in this campaign has been John Hilary, Director of War on Want. We are delighted that John will be joining us again at the Regional Centre to provide an update on the fight to stop TTIP. Julie Ward MEP has also been invited to speak. The meeting will be chaired by Deputy Regional Convenor and NEC Member, Rena Wood. This is a public meeting and all are welcome.

Stop TTIP! – Protect our Public Services – Event Poster

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