Skills for Strength 2018

Registration is now open for Skills for Strength 2018, our annual organising convention, which is due to be held on Saturday, 10th March 2018 at the Mechanics Institute, Princess Street, Manchester.

Skills for Strength is a key date in the regional calendar not to be missed. Our organising convention brings together activists from across UNISON North West with a host of prominent trade union organisers and campaigners from across the globe, to share ideas, learn new skills and equip our region for the challenges which lie ahead of us. It takes place over the course of one day, consisting of a number of structured workshops on various topics from digital organising to campaign planning skills, each led by a facilitator who is experienced in that field from across the trade union movement. It’s open to all UNISON NW activists and we will be publicising the convention directly to union activists over the course of the next week.

As ever, we have a host of exciting speakers planned this year including CJ Grimes, one of the architects of the ‘Fight for $15’ campaign in the USA which has already achieved a $15 living wage for many low paid workers. We’ll be announcing other plenary and workshop speakers very soon.

In addition to the main event on Saturday, 10th March, UNISON North West will also be hosting a screening of ‘Dennis Skinner: Nature of the Beast’ on Friday, 9th March which is also free for any activists who wish to attend – registrants will be able to get tickets as part of the registration process below.


Registration is free, and branch activists can secure a place either using the Skills for Strength registration form or online at Registrations close on 9th February 2018.

The convention was oversubscribed for the past three years, so please register as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.

This year, the region has secured a limited number of accommodation places for activists travelling from outside of the Greater Manchester area in order to make the convention accessible to reps from across our region. Registrants can express an interest in an accommodation place as part of the registration process, but travel costs still need to be claimed from branches locally as in previous years.

​I hope you can join us in March 2018 to discuss and learn from each other, alongside some leading campaigners from across our movement, to build and strengthen our union. In the meantime, we’ll be in touch when we have further announcements on special guest speakers and other developments.​

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