Tories Out Demonstration – Sunday 29th September

On Sunday 29th September our branch will be joining the national demonstration at the start of the Conservative Party Conference taking place here in Manchester.

All members are strongly encouraged to attend and if you wish to join us you should assemble at 12:00pm in All Saint’s Park on Oxford Road. You can find us by looking out for our branch banner and don’t worry if you are a first-time marcher as you will be made to feel very welcome!

The march is due to finish at the rally point at the top of Deansgate and for the full route map you should refer to the latest bulletin at the bottom of this post, which also includes more information about events taking place next week and the best advice on how to enjoy the day.

This demonstration is organised by the People’s Assembly Against Austerity and alongside the main march and rally, they are also coordinating a whole week of events to protest the Conservative Party Conference and demand an alternative to austerity.

As part of the week’s events UNISON are running a fringe event that will take place on Monday 30th September, in a marquee at Piccadilly Gardens. The topic of discussion is “NHS Not For Sale” and speakers will include UNISON members who are currently in dispute with private companies within the health service.

For the latest updates on the planned events please refer to this page on the People’s Assembly website and also the official Facebook event page.

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