UNISON is the UK’s leading public services trade union, with over 1.3 million members working in the public sector, NHS, private, voluntary and community sectors, transport and in the energy services.
UNISON is a dynamic, progressive union, committed to equality. We encourage women and men of all ages, Black and minority ethnic groups, disabled people, lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people to work with us.
Manchester Branch of UNISON is a large Local Government branch based in Manchester City Centre who organise and represent workers in over 570 employers.
The Organiser/Caseworker is a key role covering the areas of representation and organising.
The role of the Organiser/Caseworker will involve supporting the Branch and local activists in collective negotiations, researching relevant agreements with employers, writing up claims and making presentations and engaging with employers as required. Additionally, they will refer casework through the Branch Secretary to the Region as appropriate.
The Organiser/Caseworker will work with the branch to:
- build recruitment and organising initiatives and campaigns
- train and develop stewards
- support branch communications
The Organiser/Caseworker will also undertake casework, advise, support and mentor non-council stewards in representation and negotiation and provide help with case preparation and administration. The Organiser/Caseworker will have a clear understanding of equalities and how to increase participation in a member-based organisation, and how to use different kinds of media to raise UNISON’s profile.
They will be highly focused on building the organisation and providing member satisfaction with the services provided. They will have enthusiasm and commitment which motivates lay activists, new stewards, and members.
To undertake this role, you will need to be able to demonstrate experience and knowledge of the Trade Union and Labour movement.
Previous experience as a recruiter, organiser and campaigner within a TU branch or within a similar organisation would also be desirable, as well as experience or knowledge of education and social care settings.
The post is fixed-term for two years with a probation period of 6 months. There is potential for the role to become permanent.
To apply for this opportunity, please complete the application form and return to unison@manchester.gov.uk.
Closing date is Tuesday 8th April 2025.
Contact the Branch Secretary, Carl Greatbatch, for further information on carl.greatbatch@manchester.gov.uk or 0161 254 7500.
Final Job Advert: UNISON Manchester Branch Organiser Case Worker Job Advert
Application Form: UNISON Manchester Application