The UNISON North West LGBT Group will hold its Annual General Meeting on Saturday 10th September from 1100 hours to 1600 hours at the UNISON North West Regional Offices, Arena Point, Manchester, M3 1UN.

The meeting is open to any UNISON member who self defines as lesbian, gay, bisexual or trans and is in a branch based in the North West Region. Travel and appropriate meal expenses will be covered by the committee.

Various positions are up for election at the AGM. A list of roles and descriptions of those roles are in the document embedded below. We also welcome the submission of motions and amendments to our constitution, a copy of which is also below. Motions and amendments will require a proposer and a seconder and the proposer will be expected to move the motion at the AGM. The deadline for returning nominations, motions and constitutional amendments is midday on Wednesday 24th August 2016 and should be sent to James Bull by email (J.Bull@unison.co.uk) or to the postal address listed above.

The agenda for the meeting and reports will be circulated on Thursday 25th August 2016. Members are encouraged to join our mailing list by completing the online form at unisonnw.org/lgbtsubscribe and follow us on social media, twitter.com/unisonnwlgbt and facebook.com/unisonnwlgbt.

We look forward to seeing you at the AGM.

UNISON North West LGBT Committee – AGM Calling Notice
[gview file=”http://staging.unisonmanchester.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/UNISON-North-West-LGBT-Committee-AGM-Calling-Notice.pdf”]

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