Workers Memorial Day Sunday 28 April 2013


Each year on 28 April, International Workers’ Memorial Day (IWMD) is marked around the world to Remember the Dead, Fight for the Living. We remember those killed, made ill, or injured by their own or someone else’s work. Their pain and suffering and that of their families should not to be forgotten. We also renew our commitment to, and demand once more, safe and healthy work for all.

The Manchester event will be held on Sunday 28th April and commence at 11am in Albert Square. In addition there will be an exhibition at the People’s History Museum running from 19th April 2013. Those attending the rally are then invited to the People’s History Museum afterwards for refreshments and to view the exhibition.

It is intended to be very much a family event and all are welcome.

A flyer for the event is embedded into this post and for more information please click here.

People are encouraged to bring their UNISON flags, whistles and vuvuzelas as, in addition to the usual minutes silence to remember the dead, there will also be a short “shout out for safety”.

There is further useful information about Workers Memorial Day and information on resources available for the day and Health and Safety more generally on the National UNISON Website Health and Safety pages.

There are a number of other events running in the region too in Blackburn, Bolton, Chorley, Liverpool, Preston and Wigan.

Full details can be found online here.

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