LGA Labour Group Leader demands UNISON agrees to surrender in Pay Dispute

The Leader of the Labour Employer Group wrote to the UNISON General Secretary on 9th October (the day the strike due on the 14th October was cancelled) saying Councils would only be consulted on the ‘offer’ of an increase of 0.19% if UNISON would tell its own members the proposals were ‘a significant improvement’ and promise not to recommend rejection.

So we end up with the decision to call off the strike and consult members on the proposals as ‘the best that can be achieved by negotiation.’

The ‘best’ is pitiful and unacceptable.

Reject the proposals and support the call for a special conference.

Letter sent from LGA Labour Group Leader to UNISON General Secretary

[gview file=”http://staging.unisonmanchester.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Letter-from-LGA-Labour-Group-Leader-to-UNISON-Gen-Sec.pdf”]
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