On Wednesday 30 September there will be a final vote on the regulations that will impose a £95,000 cap on all exit payments in the public sector. This cap will hit hardest in local government, because the capital costs for the Local Government Pension Scheme are included as part of the £95k (except in Scotland) – even though this is money the individual does not receive.
The result of this is that many of our members on very moderate salaries could be affected, if they have long service.
For more detailed information about this issue you can read the latest circular sent out to branches, a briefing for politicians, along with UNISON’s full response to the 2019 consultation.
We are strongly urging all our members working in Local Government to contact their local MP to get their support in opposing the vote.
To make it easier for our members you can modify the attached model letter as needed and email it to your MP. It explains the situation and makes clear our arguments against the cap.
If you’re unsure who your local MP is then you can find their details by entering your location into this website: https://members.parliament.uk/FindYourMP