NJC Employers’ Pay Offer for 2024/25

The joint trade unions (UNISON, Unite and GMB) have received a pay offer from the NJC Employers’ Side. The offer letter can be downloaded here, and the key points are:

  • Full and final offer
  • £1290 on all pay points from 1st April
  • That’s equivalent to 5.77% on point 2 and 2.5% on point 43
  • 2.5% on all pay points above 43 and below chief officer level
  • 2.5% on all NJC allowances
  • Rejection of our demands for a shorter working week, an extra day of leave, £15 an hour minimum rate by 2026
  • Offer of pay gap data discussions
  • Re-committed to reviewing the pay spine

Clearly, the offer does not meet our demands and members have been clear that they want an early response on the pay offer, which moving straight to an industrial ballot would help with.

The NJC Committee meets again on Wednesday 22 May to discuss the offer and agree on the next steps.

When we receive feedback from the next NJC Committee meeting, a further update will be posted on this website, our social media channels and in an email to affected members.

If you do not currently receive emails from us then get in touch to update your details by emailing unison@manchester.gov.uk, or calling the office on 0161 254 7500.

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