NJC Pay 14 – Campaign Bulletin Issue 50 – Local Government Strike on 14 October Suspended

Local Government Strike on 14 October Suspended for Membership Consultation on new pay proposals

UNISON, GMB and UNITE have today decided to suspend strike action planned for 14 October and consult members on revised new proposals put forward by the Local Government Association as the best achievable by negotiation.

The proposals cover the period from 1 April 2014 to 31 March 2016.

In doing so, all three unions have made it clear that they want to strengthen the collective bargaining machinery covering local government and schools and move quickly to jointly tackle important issues facing their members with the Local Government Association.

Further details of the proposals and UNISON’s consultation arrangements will follow in the next pay bulletin.

Notifying Members about the Suspension of Strike Action

Main ballot

The General Secretary has issued a letter to members about the suspension of the strike action on 14 October. The members’ letter is attached and branches are asked to circulate it to members we were calling on to take action. We are also emailing this letter to balloted members we have email addresses for.

Letters will go out tomorrow to employers formally notifying them that our notices are withdrawn and that we are telling members not to take action on 14 October.

Academies Ballots

The General Secretary has issued a letter to members employed by academies about the suspension of the strike action on 14 October. The members’ letter is attached and branches are asked to circulate it to members we were calling on to take action. We are also emailing this letter to balloted members we have email addresses for.

We will also be writing to academy employers that were balloted to seek their agreement to an extension to the life of our ballot for a further 28 days.

Email sent out to Members on 14 October Strike

[gview file=”http://staging.unisonmanchester.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Email-to-members-on-14-october-strike.doc”]

Email sent out to Members in NJC Academies

[gview file=”http://staging.unisonmanchester.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Email-to-members-njc-academies.doc”]
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