All branch members eligible to vote in the consultation for the NJC Pay Offer 2021/22 should have received their ballot paper by now. If we hold an email address for you then you should have received a link instead, which will allow you to submit your vote online.
The 1.75% that has been offered is an insult to our members in local government and schools. UNISON believes you deserve better which is why we are recommending that members vote to reject this unfair offer.
Please use your vote to ensure your voice is heard and so we can send a strong signal to this government. The deadline for receipt of completed ballots is 12 noon on Thursday 23 September.
If you believe you are eligible to vote in this consultation, but have not received either a postal ballot, or a link to the electronic version, then please contact the branch office on 0161 254 7500 or by emailing