Pay Matters! NJC Pay Claim and Campaign 2013/14 Update


As branches know the NJC Trade Union Side has submitted the following claim for a pay increase for our members in 2013 – 2014:

A substantial flat rate increase on all scale points as a step towards the longer term objective of restoring pay levels and achieving the living wage as the bottom NJC spinal column point

You can follow this link to the claim or see the embedded document at the bottom of this update. We have not had a response from the employers yet.

It is crucial we start to build awareness of the pay claim and talk to members at local level. The overall plan was attached to LG/50/2012 and set out key dates.

We have asked branches during November to call special meetings of members to talk about the pay claim. Branches can use the NJC pay DVD (a branch copy has been sent) but it is also available on You Tube using the following link or by viewing it in the embedded player below. The DVD gives branches the opportunity in their workplaces to have a wider discussion with members about why pay matters in this very difficult economic and political environment.

Some councillors have also asked for copies of the DVD and are using it in their councils.

We are producing more materials for branches’ use for the campaign, a women’s factsheet, NJC pay facts, local and regional public sector pay myths and part time workers the stock numbers will be sent out in the next circular.

Best wishes

Heather Wakefield
National Secretary
Local Government Service Group

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