This is an important time for us as UNISON members in the North West region.
Most of our Branches are facing savage Government cuts to our funding which is resulting in the awful job losses we have seen in Manchester,the effects of which we are going through at the moment, as well as attacks elsewhere in the Region on our members terms and conditions and trade union facility time.
The Government is also trying to make us all work longer, pay more and get less in our pensions.
It is vital, therefore, that our union has the right leadership to steer us through these turbulent and difficult times.
The Service Group Executive (SGE) elections are happening very shortly and our Branch members will soon be receiving voting papers to elect the people who will be representing members views in how we respond to all these important challenges.
All members are urged to vote in this election in order to get the right people who can best represent our members views.
Our branch has nominated
Brenda Hall (Women’s Seat) and Glen Williams (General Seat) for these positions to represent our Region and our Branch members.
Please take the time to read the election addresses of the candidates.
If a Ballot Paper has not arrived by April 17th members should call 0845 355 0845 to arrange for a replacement to be issued.