Upcoming Events in December

In this post we have included details of upcoming events in December which you may wish to attend.

Community Engagement Event – Saturday 8 December

Dr Florence Levy, Head of Health Workers Union FETSALUD in the North Caribbean region of Nicaragua, will be visiting the UK in December and as part of her speaker tour has kindly agreed to speak at a community engagement meeting in Manchester.

Florence is also President of the Commission for Indigenous Peoples, African Caribbean descendants and autonomic issues in the Nicaraguan National Assembly. Dr Levy would like to meet you to raise awareness of the latest developments in her country and steps being taken to build peace and stability.

The meeting will be at 1.30pm on 8 December at the Church of God of Prophecy Restoration House Church Hall, 300 Moss Lane East, Moss Side, Manchester M14 4SS. Let us welcome Dr Levy to Manchester.

Refreshments will be available following the meeting.

If you are interested in attending please contact Sonia Stewart by emailing s.stewart1@manchester.gov.uk

All are welcome and you don’t have to be a UNISON member to attend.

[gview file=”http://staging.unisonmanchester.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/Community-Engagement-Event.pdf”]

150 Years of the TUC – Commemorative Film Premiere – Saturday 15th December

All Welcome: Come and see a film celebrating the history of our labour movement and the first meeting of the TUC in the room where it took place.

The Trades Union Congress (TUC) has been campaigning for a better deal for workers for 150 years. It all began in 1868 in Manchester when members of Manchester and Salford Trades Councils pulled together the first meeting at the Mechanics Institute.

At 12.30pm on 15 December at the Mechanics Institute, Manchester M1 6DD we are showcasing a film commemorating and celebrating this, produced by Manchester University film and media students, sponsored by Manchester UNISON. This event will last approximately 2 hours and all are welcome to attend.

[gview file=”http://staging.unisonmanchester.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/TUC_150_Commemorative_Film_Event_Flyer.pdf”]
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