Thanks for your support
On behalf of the UNISON Manchester Branch, I would like to thank stewards and members for all the hard work they put in to make the strike, march and rally on November 30 such a tremendous success. To those who…
On behalf of the UNISON Manchester Branch, I would like to thank stewards and members for all the hard work they put in to make the strike, march and rally on November 30 such a tremendous success. To those who…
On November 29, the Sun asked the TUC General Secretary Brendan Barber to write 200 words setting out the case for the day of action. But the Sun refused to publish the article. Here’s what he said. “This government cancelled…
The strike to defend decent pensions was really solid across Manchester, and indeed across the whole country. And the march through Manchester city centre was massively well supported, beyond most people’s expectations. What was most heartening was the real and active…
This is an historic week for our union. From the Shetland Isles to Southampton, nurses, social workers, PCSOs, librarians, dinner ladies, teaching assistants, bin men and paramedics – among many other public sector workers – will be standing shoulder to…
There are number of marches and rallies taking place on the 30th November in the North West region which UNISON members can get involved with to show their support for the industrial action. For information we have included a list…
Branch has organised a series of picket briefing meetings at the Branch Office for UNISON Stewards and activists. These have been arranged for volunteers who are picketing and wish to receive information and a briefing on arrangements for the strike…
The latest issue of Mancunion is now available to download from our website by opening this post, then clicking on this link.
On Wednesday 30 November, UNISON and 22 other trade unions are striking to defend our pensions. UNISON, PCS, GMB, UNITE and even the headteachers’ union, that has never taken industrial action in its 114 year history, are coming out on…
UNISON, the UK’s largest union, today branded it a ‘national scandal’ that the country’s highest earners get tax breaks worth £10 billion every year on their pensions contributions. At the same time, low wage public sector workers are being told…
Please see below for a copy of the statement by Councillor Richard Leese, leader of the Council, on the proposed changes to Public Sector Pensions. Councillor Richard Leese’s Statement The approximately 100 separate funds which make up the Local Government…