School visits not in vain
Over the last 2 years UNISON North West has invested a lot of time and effort visiting schools to explain to support staff the work of the SSSNB. The project was made possible by a number of front line school…
Over the last 2 years UNISON North West has invested a lot of time and effort visiting schools to explain to support staff the work of the SSSNB. The project was made possible by a number of front line school…
UNISON and the other trade unions have been working hard to develop ways of working in the future which will allow City Council services to be delivered as effectively as possible while aiming to avoid compulsory redundancies and maintain the…
We are currently waiting for the Government’s announcement of the Comprehensive Spending review, which is due on 20 October 2010. We will then know the reality of the scale of the ConDem planned cuts across public services over the next…
UNISON and the Trade Union Congress (TUC) are taking our campaign to Parliament on 19 October to lobby MPs. We need all our MPs to know that public sector workers are furious about having to pay for the disastrous mistakes…
UNISON, the UK’s leading public service union, takes learning seriously and offers a range of trade union education and lifelong learning opportunities for members. This includes training and development for union reps as well as personal and career development courses…
After six years as Branch Secretary, Tony Caffery announced he would be standing down to take up a position as Regional Officer for UNISON. After a call for nominations, the Branch Executive Committee (BEC) unanimously approved Pat McDonagh as the…
Steve Swift, the Branch Education Officer, is busy organising courses for new and experienced UNISON stewards. If you want to get more involved in the trade union, but want more information, think you could do with refreshing your skills or…
One key message coming out of annual conference was… recruit as if your job depends on it. The only way for the Branch to be able to stand up for members at work, campaign effectively against cuts and help defend…
The Branch will be organising quarterly meetings targeted at all stewards. The aim is to bring together all activists, regardless of their workplace or background, to debate the big issues that our union, our public services and our communities face.The…